Nuance control
PMI test
PMI (Positive Material Identification) testing is a method used to identify the materials used in a product or part. It is a non-destructive test that uses techniques such as mass spectrometry or X-ray fluorescence to determine the chemical composition of the material.
The PMI test thus makes it possible to verify that the material used in a product or part is the material that was specified and that it meets the required quality standards.
This is especially important in industries where safety and reliability are major concerns, such as aerospace, defense, petrochemical, and power generation.
Spectrometric analysis : Analysis using our X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, Thermo Scientific Niton XL2 100G (Non-destructive testing). This portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer is fast, it identifies up to 25 elements in less than 5 seconds. The Niton XL2 100 G can analyze nickel and cobalt-based alloys, copper, brass, bronze alloys, titanium, precious metals, etc. Measurements can be carried out in our store, or on site.
Comparison to standards : The data collected is compared to the specifications of the stainless steel grade required by the standard. This makes it possible to determine if the material is compliant, if it has unacceptable chemical variations, or simply if it is another nuance.
Compliance report : A compliance report is generated. It certifies the results of the PMI control, indicating whether the material meets the specifications or not.

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+33 1 64 65 10 00
13 Ter, Rue des Margats, 77120 Coulommiers